Friday, March 6, 2015

Do we need to celebrate Death

Between Life and Death

Death is still an enigma to all of us, however old or young we are. Often i have witnessed dead "person" (not used body to connote respect) been carried on the roads and few others dancing and gracing their path with flowers and crackers. As a child this has always got me into the thinking mode why dance, burst crackers when there is a grief?

There is always a touch of sorrow when we hear the news of eternal rest. It might not be your own kith or a kin, but you feel grief inside you. Probably, the intellect inside you always tries to rehearse it with your experience or is aghast to experience one.

It takes a lot of maturity to understand nothing is permanent except our unison with death. But in between life and death there is a lot of negativity that we expose ourselves to. There is lot of anger, ego and battle to win and satisfy "others". In the whole process we not only trouble our souls but also, our loved ones to gratify our ego with their success.

We are proud to be a mother of IITian, wife of a successful man and a daughter/son of elite stalwarts from any industry. But why so? Why do we relate our success with others? Should not we be happy with the life God bestowed on us? Why success should always be attributed to any sort of achievement?

Nothing can attribute more to success, than to lead a happy content life. Life is a drama, where we all are actors, we need to leave the stage when our roles are done. But the stage awaits you in a different role.

 Oh! Now I feel   that's the reason we need to celebrate death, for it’s the same soul that which bids farewell to us, getting ready to embrace us in a different form.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Are you one of those “GEN NEXT?”

Nikitha rushed to open the door, it’s her friend Bhooma at the door. Both are young professionals currently managing the financials of their respective household. Their new set of goals for the “financial year“, is to help the “Aged India”. A sacred thought, carefully chosen after hours of discussion to relieve them of their daily boring routine. Today they had planned to visit the nearby Government hospital to extend their service. Nikitha was already getting restless. She could hear her watch tick, her eyes constantly at the door and heart pounding to hear the next doorbell ring. Finally Rajamma, her maid arrived. Nikitha heaved a sigh of relief as the caretaker hurried inside her bedridden mother-in-law’s room to help her perform her daily routine.

“Generation next” can you only rush to wipe the dirt on other’s shirt? When will you mature to see your’s?