Monday, July 6, 2015

Unheard cries of Mother Earth

It's yet another time. Earth shook at it's vigour. At the coast water rises up, high enough to engulf a whole city.

The whole city was shattered beyond recognition. The fury of mother earth was at it's best.she had not left a single thing untouched. Tall high rises to small huts, from cruel monsters to small innocent children.

There stands these cars as an eyewitness to the whole story where we refused to
 hear the warning bells of Mother Earth and destroyed her beyond repairs.

Now she chose to amend her and it's our turn to stay quiet.

Linking this to A prompt Each Day, NaBloPoMo, for the photo prompt of Friday Fictioneer.


  1. Ooof! That's harsh. But the way we treat Mother Earth, another fury is not too far off, I think.

    My #FF

  2. Hope to go back from where we started. Thanks for dropping by vinay

  3. Mother Earth's fury has always taught us some grave lessons. It's time man learns to implement .

  4. I wouldn't be too surprised if at least some of this comes true. Good story.
